Eyelash extension options

Not all of us are happy with the length and volume of our eyelashes. Luckily, there are many ways to extend them and give them the desired volume. But how to avoid being overwhelmed in the myriad offers of beauty salons? Today we’ll introduce you to some different ways of changing your eyelashes beyond recognition.

The first is the eyelash-to-eyelash method. In this application, false eyelashes are glued at a ratio of 1:1 onto your natural eyelashes. This method of increasing volume lasts for about a month after visiting the salon. The false eyelashes gradually fall out at the same time as your natural ones. If you find a skilled beautician, this procedure will take her about two hours.

The second method is the flower bouquet technique, which has a somewhat shorter life compared to the eyelash-to-eyelash procedure. This application involves gluing on bunches of 2–5 false lashes, which must be replenished once they fall out. Since a bunch of lashes is noticeably heavier than applying lashes individually, they tend to drop off, and the strain they put on our lashes is much more noticeable. The entire gluing process in a good quality salon takes about 45 minutes.

Another procedure helping us to create the effect of full, long lashes is a multidimensional extension, which consists in gluing a large number of false lashes to one of your natural ones. Mink fibres, characterised by their lightness, are most often used for this purpose. Multidimensional extensions last for about a month, and the application takes about 90 minutes.

The last method we want to tell you about is the Hollywood effect. With this method of lash extension, we can apply an unbelievable 300–800 lashes to each eye. 2–8 ultra-thin false lashes are glued to our natural ones. The effect of thick and perfectly long eyelashes with this procedure is unmistakable and absolutely dazzling. The extension itself takes a skillful beautician at least 100 minutes.

Of course, there are countless more ways to make your eyelashes even more beautiful. New methods of application are always coming along as new trends emerge. Coloured eyelashes or so-called disco lashes, which glow under UV light, are really hot at the moment. In addition to all the methods we’ve mentioned, we can also supplement and extend your lower eyelashes. You can also use eyeliner lashes, which is a method combining eyelash extensions with eyeliner.


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