The real struggle in knowing the right vitamins

We were taught back in elementary school that the skin is our largest organ. What they didn’t teach us is how to take care of it. This is a big shame! Only few of us realize that when we apply a layer of moisturizer on our body, in addition to moisturizing and contributing to the skin’s elasticity, we are also taking into our body the harmful substances that creams can contain. And it’s not just creams, it’s all the cosmetics we apply to the body in any way, both decorative and caring. Look carefully at the ingredients and study carefully what you use. Treat your body well.

From the inside

Natural cosmetics have become trendy for a reason. Rimia is a big fan of this, which is why we created the Spacelash serum based on natural vitamins and beneficial peptides that help to support the growth of the eyelashes and eyebrows. If we could give you a tip to take your lashes to the next level, it would be to supplement the vitamins. Vitamin D is a basis, it supports hair and nail growth, and is proven to nourish eyelashes and eyebrow growth. Don’t forget to make sure your body absorbs and processes it. There are several types of vitamin D, the most commonly used and recommended is in the form of vitamin D3. For it to be processed by our bodies, it is important to take it along with fat, to which the vitamin will bind and be taken up by the body. Today it is commonly available in fat emulsion in the form of drops.

Collagen, retinol and vitamin C for the skin are terms we automatically associate with skin care products nowadays. Think that these vitamins can also be taken as a dietary supplement, but make sure you know the correct dosage and that the combination of several different supplements is comprehensive.

Vitamins can also be found in your food. Whatever your eating habits are, we encourage you to take care of your body and not only from the outside but also from the inside. Taking care of your body will benefit you, you’ll feel better and that equals looking better too. Think that a balanced diet is the basis and herbs can work miracles.

How to do it? 

Starting from today is ideal! Observe your body, notice how it feels, what changes and if you notice a difference. 

Beware of combining everything at once, combining different brands and too many products together can be counterproductive or even harmful to your body. 

Doctors are not to be dismissed

Expert advice is never a bad thing, nowadays it’s easy to find out from a doctor what vitamins and minerals you should be taking and what exactly is your bodymissing. There are plenty of options, so it’s important to figure out your own way of how much from each supplement you should take. And even more important is to think about balance, not to get stressed out if you forget and miss a vitamin one day, because we are talking about routine and routine has clear rules – missing once is allowed, but twice is not. And remember that miracles don’t happen overnight, they require persistence and, most importantly, patience.


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